After Harper is told some devastating news about her baby, behind-the-scenes photos may hint at what happens next.
As Home and Away nearly closes to an end for another dramatic year, leaked photos are hinting towards some of the storylines for 2025, so be warned: if you hate spoilers, don’t continue reading. Go make yourself a cuppa, and think about the Home and Away storylines of the years gone by, or something.
The show appears to be ending on a cliffhanger in a feature-length finale next week, with “blood on someone’s hands” and the fate of Harper and Tane’s baby unknown after Harper is told the baby has a serious medical condition.

What’s happening to Harper and Tane’s baby?
As reported by TV Week, Tane and Harper will face a tough decision ahead of the impending birth of their first child together, with the season finale seeing Harper rushed to hospital, with the soon-to-be-mum finding out that her unborn baby has a cyst on their lungs that could cause foetal heart failure.
Harper is told an in-utero surgery is the only fix for the issue, but it could cause her to go into labour prematurely, with Harper determined to not do anything that will put her baby’s life at risk, while Tane and Dana worry about the future of both Harper and the baby.
Spoiler alert! Leaked fan photos from the set of Home and Away hint at fate of baby Harper and Tane
Baby Harne? Baby Tarper?
Anyway, if some sleuthing fans have been out to the set of Home and Away and spotted Harper (Jessica Redmayne) and Tane (Ethan Browne) filming scenes for next year and in good news, Harper is pushing a pram around and we assume it’s not just filled with Tane’s protein powder.
One behind-the-scenes photo even shows the pair smiling at what I would take an astute guess is a real-life baby in the pram, and fans are even predicting it could be a baby girl, saying they could spot a bow.

Fans worried about fate of Harper and Tane
Though the above is all good news, fans are now concerned that now the baby is here, it could spell the end for Tane and Harper’s time on the show — or at least, for one of them.
As all good Home and Away fans know, once any baby is brought on board, most of the parents go on to go live a better life somewhere — to be fair, given Summer Bay is overrun by criminals, gangs, love triangles, near-death accidents, and the sporadic cult movement, it probably makes sense.
The last couple to have a baby on the show were Ziggy and Dean in early 2023 and they swiftly moved away, though will be back for a special episode arc early next year.
Fans are now speculating Tane and Harper may do the same, but they’re hoping the baby storyline will continue on the show as Summer Bay seems to have no children anymore. “Everyone that gets pregnant or has a baby on the show leaves not long after,” one fan pointed out.
“Say goodbye to Harper and Tane. They never keep babies on the show,” one person commented in a Facebook fan group, however an admin of the group was holding out hope. “Harper still has nearly two years contract left only way she will leave if they break it,” they pointed out. “I [think] when her contract is up the baby will be about nearly two that is when they leave.”